Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Comida por un corazon: Quick Chicken Shawarma and Fruit Salsa with Cinnamon Wonton Chips

School is getting ready to start up for both me and my honey. I went today for orientation and start classes Thursday, and he starts Monday. He works weekday mornings mostly, and he works close enough to home that he usually drives home for lunch.

He always looks a little crestfallen when I don't have anything special made for him for lunch, so if I'm in the mood and I have the time I will cook him a nice hot meal.

I found these grilled chicken breast patty things that you cook like Steak-umms at Walmart. They're very convenient and only take about five minutes or so to cook. So I cooked up a couple of those and put some Cavender's Greek Seasoning, dill weed, and lemon pepper on them to season them. I put them on top of some Joseph's pita bread with some roasted red pepper hummus. (If you aren't eating Joseph's pita or lavash, you are BIG TIME missing out. They have great, healthy stats and are very versatile.) I topped them with some romaine lettuce mix and red onion, and used some Tzatziki Yogurt dressing I found at Target to finish it off.

I even made some dessert - some fruit salsa a la Pinterest with some wonton chips with sweet cinnamon! I seasoned them like so: 
  • 1 1/2 tbsp honey
  • 2 tbsp melted coconut oil - this only takes about 20 seconds in the microwave
  • cinnamon to taste
I used the same process as before for the most part, but I used some vegetable oil on the muffin tin because the sugar content is considerably higher and I didn't want them to stick. They came out delicious - light and crispy, and a wonderful complement to the fruit salsa. My husband loves fruit (especially apples, strawberries, and peaches - all the fruit I used), so I knew this would be a hit.

Unfortunately, my honey had to work through lunch so I had to enjoy all the yums by myself. Don't worry, there's still plenty of chips and fruit salsa for him to snack on, and it only takes a second to whip up another shawarma. But I was a little sad. 

So I decided to take advantage of the time I had alone to enjoy something my husband really hates when he's at home. I'm semi-addicted to 12 Corazones - I don't know how to describe it other than a Latino version of "Singled Out," but with the Zodiac. And before you ask, no, I don't speak Spanish. For some reason, I just like it - and it drives my husband nuts. So since I didn't have mi corazon with me at lunchtime, I spent my lunch with 12 of them. :)

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